Saturday, December 1, 2012

Hale Keawe

  Hale Keawe once housed the bones of dozens of Hawaiian 'Ali'i (Royal) Chiefs.  For this reason it was called Pu'uhonua o Honaunau, or the City of Refuge, because it was kapu (forbidden) to spill blood on this holy site.  A person who had broken any cultural taboo might escape the punishment of death if they managed to reach this spot before their pursuers.  The fortunate criminal that made it here could be absolved of their sins by a Kahuna medicine man.  Although this thatched roof mausoleum no longer contains the bones of past leaders, it is still guarded by fierce Ki'i (tiki) carvings that tower above modern visitors and display open mouths full of teeth.  The reef here is known to locals as 'Two Step' for its easy access to World class snorkeling.  Triggerfish, parrotfish, tang, trumpetfish, Moorish idols, and eels are just a few of the incredible creatures that make this reef their home. 

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