Saturday, January 26, 2013

O Ka'u Kakou (We are Ka'u)

O Ka'u Kakou is a community organization that hosts free events throughout the year.  Today was their annual Keiki Fishing Tournament held at Punalu'u Black Sands Beach.  Hundreds of children crowded the shores equipped with bamboo poles and shrimp for bait.  After the fishing, O Ka'u Kakou provided lunch, shaved ice, and prizes for all the 'Keiki,' the Hawaiian word for children.

Friday, January 25, 2013

The Ocean View Boxing Club practices Tuesdays and Thursdays at Kahuku Park.  Coach Norman told me that at 9 out of 10 tournaments one of his young athletes wins the Sportsmanship award, something he was more proud of than the team's winning record.   

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Kalila holds up a SHAKA as we celebrate finding some Mamaki plants at Manuka State Park.  Mamaki is a Polynesian cousin of nettles.  The dried leaf is used in teas to cut phlegm and as a diuretic.

Daughters of Polynesia

Mahilani teaching Hula at the park in Na'alehu, HI.  Her troupe Polynesian Paradise is preparing for a Fete at the end of this month.